Sunday I decided to head out to the spring antique show going on in my back yard.
Grab a cup of coffee this may take a while. These dealers have gone through hell and back with our weather. Wed. a terrible storm came through while they were setting up and I bet we got 12inches of rain(we needed it) then the wind was something fierce, let me tell you that chandeliers were never meant to be wind chimes. Sat. the Temp. dropped and they nearly froze. Today on Sun. the sun came out and everyone, including myself got sun burnt. That's Texas weather for you. This is maybe the largest antiques show in the U.S. so let me please note that the images I have captured are just the tip of the ice berg. Enjoy, Heidi
Grab a cup of coffee this may take a while. These dealers have gone through hell and back with our weather. Wed. a terrible storm came through while they were setting up and I bet we got 12inches of rain(we needed it) then the wind was something fierce, let me tell you that chandeliers were never meant to be wind chimes. Sat. the Temp. dropped and they nearly froze. Today on Sun. the sun came out and everyone, including myself got sun burnt. That's Texas weather for you. This is maybe the largest antiques show in the U.S. so let me please note that the images I have captured are just the tip of the ice berg. Enjoy, Heidi
My first stop is La Bahia Hall (this is where my Brother got married last month).
This is The Seed Box. Brian and Meloney Russel own it and do a fabulous job. It was here
that I first saw Rachel Ashwell, creator of Sabby Chic. I'm so sad to hear that she is closing.
Here is a shot of Brian of The Seed Box. They have a dog that looks like Toto, named Ruby.
Then I hit The Texas Rose Antique Show, put on by Vickie Davis. This is a great group of dealers, one of which is called Fundustrial, by Susan Skinner and Hector the Collector. I love how they mix garden with industrial stuff. That seems to be a common theme this year.
More of Fundustrial.
I love the chandelier in the giant bird cage by Fundustrial
Another giant bird cage, this time full of trophies, by Fundustrial.
Next to Fundustrial is Maggie with The Veranda. She is a hoot and she's got the Monochromagic touch. Isn't she cute? I wish you could have seen her rubber cowboy boots.(remember it flooded the other day)
Here I see many a beautiful thing, some things I have no clue to what it is. (aqua glass?) This pic is from an area called Excess Field.
Excess Field Dealer.
Excess Field Dealer. Stands and strands of coral and every kind of stone you can imagine.
Recycle and re purpose. A dealer in the Excess Field.
These look to me like old hay rake tines recycled into a sculpture.
From a dealer in the Excess Fields.
This one looks like the discs used on a old implement to cultivate the soil.
Made by a dealer in the Excess Fields.