I'm back! With some time to do some deep down soul searching I have decided to continue my blog and do what I do best, hunt down and share the romantic, timeless images quotes and inspiring DIY stuff. Some of the last few post were aimed for my sister to see since she is in reno mode herself. I thought long and hard and realized that sharing ideas and helping to inspire someone is not superficial at all. And as for moving goes, it looks like for the happiness of my husband and my child, we are staying put, but one day there will be long vacations Down Under, mark my words. I realized that the whole moving ordeal was my primal fight or flight instinct. All I have wanted to do for the past 2 years is fly as far away as possible and it was because of the stress of my family and work. So I eliminated the biggest stressors in each department and I feel like I can breathe now and not want fly away. Always remember this, "When you say YES to something, you are always saying NO to something else". It is all about balance. I have felt so obligated to do and go to things, well guess what? If it is not working for me and my little family, I am not going to do it. This time is slipping away and my little boy is growing up, the rest of the people and organizations will just have to deal because my little family is worth me being very selfish about. As I step off my soap box, I would like to thank you all for hanging in there with me. I hope that I can inspire you and make you laugh, perhaps even teach you a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Love, Heidi