It's raining now and I'm glad, my pot plants sure could use a drink.
(Note: the images below are not my pot plants.) Because this summer has been so humid, I noticed a swamp like environment besides our house. Turns out it was our air conditioner condensation drain. I was scared for my life to venture near that area since we have snakes. Our rabbit and chihuahua seemed nervous too. Then I had a stroke of genius, recycle that water for your pot plants. I ran to the hardware store and got one of those connectors for pipes so that I could screw a water hose onto it. Viola! Now I had a slow trickle of water continuously coming out of a water hose from my house that was basically giving millions of termites a drink while they devoured my house. I now have the hose away from the house, watering one pot plant. (Note to self: figure out a way to water all of the plants from that one hose.) It looks like before this is all over with I will become a certified irrigation specialist. Enjoy, Heidi
WSI Magazine