Monday, August 11, 2008

Our FIRST Chandelier!

Our first stab at a chandelier! This chandelier measures about 40 inches wide by 40 inches tall. We forgot to count the pieces before we put them on but we are guessing the total will be about 100 give or take. We had planned on about 80 or so pieces but at the last minute we decided to redo the metal framework on the substructure of the chandelier. After a bit of "tweaking" it ended up a little bigger and looking somewhat medieval before we attached the blown glass pieces to it. We blew our first one out of clear glass,"just because" and also we may put some fiber optics in it. We have some samples blown of different colors so people can see what the chandelier would like in various colors. The photographs don't really do it justice. You need to see it in person. Even though it's our first one, it's beautiful!
Thanks to Andy and Mara for coming out tonight to take a look. Really looking forward to collaborating with Andy on some things!
Looking forward to going to Tulsa tomorrow catering for Italian Jim's Pizzeria and then stopping by and seeing Sarah Diggdon at her "Tulsa Glassblowing Studio". Sarah came to Italian Jim's Pizzeria a few weeks ago and we really enjoyed visiting with her and feeding her some great pizza!

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