Monday, November 10, 2008

Eddie Ross

If you live in a cave and don't watch television like me then you may not know about Eddie Ross who is on the show Top Design. He is 30 years old and is the Martha Stewart Living's Senior Style Editor. I love everything he does. I know this is weird and conceited but he reminds me so much of myself it's scary. Watch his audition video and see how clever he is, you will love him too. Enjoy, Heidi

I commented on Eddie Ross's blog and this is what I said. (So Corny)

Eddie, I love everything you do. I just discovered you and I do believe that you share some sort of creative genetics that my 2 best friends and I have. We were all pretty poor at one point of our lives but it seemed to make us even more creative. Black, white, cream, tan, grey, silver and crystal, I like to call it "Monocromagic"! I look forward to everything you do. Heidi

Posted by: Heidi November 05, 2008 at 12:06 PM
This is what he said in response. via email
Monocromagic...genius! You just named all my favorite things too!Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your day!Eddie

So now you all are my witnesses that I shared my invented word of "Monocromagic" with Eddie and if he ever says it you know where he heard it first. This may be my only claim to fame.

(how pathetic I know)

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